What is psychological resilience?
Life isn’t perfect and we need to be resilient to handle all the hurricanes that it brings. However, what is psychological resilience? There are many definitions of resilience in psychology. I put together some of them and this is the definition that I like the most: Psychological resilience is an ability to remain calm during the crises, bounce back from [...]
Fixed and growth mindset: How to switch from “I CAN‘T do it” to “I CAN do it”?
We are going through difficult times because of coronavirus restrictions, quarantine, lockdown... We often need to find new ways and reinvent our businesses. We are forced to work from home, use technology that we have never used before, teach online, use platforms such as google class, record videos, write articles. We need to change our leadership style. We need to [...]
Coronavirus, quarantine, lockdown – how to stay mentally strong?
We are all facing difficulties, some of us are sick, some have lost their loved ones, their jobs, don’t have any income, can’t see their families, feel lonely, scared, anxious, uncertain about their future. What we all need is to stay psychologically strong. We need to be resilient. Here are some tips that can help you to be strong in these [...]
We make thousands of decisions every day. Why should we know more about psychology behind decision making?
We make thousands of decisions every day. However, how many of you have actually taken classes in decision making? What do you know about the process of making decisions? Why should we know more about decision making psychology? We are surrounded with choices. Our alarm clock rings in the morning and we already must make our first decision that might [...]
Richard Thaler Received a Nobel Prize for his work in Behavioral Economics
Richard Thaler, an American economist at the University of Chicago, received Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 2017 for his contribution to behavioral economics. He examines why people don’t always make rational decisions as economic theories often assume. He also pays attention to notions of fairness and lack of self-control. His findings have influenced the economic science and policy. [...]
How to get rid of disturbing thoughts and feelings?
“For the next five minutes, please try not to think about white bears.” In 1985, Daniel Wegner, currently a psychology professor at Harvard University, started his first experiment about thought suppression with the sentence above. Paradoxically, the participants could not stop thinking about white bears! Wegner called this effect ironic rebound. The more we try not to think [...]