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Positive Storming

Our lives are created by constant decisions that we make

Update your mind, make smarter decisions

and improve your life and business!

How many of you had classes in decision-making?

Not many. It's time to change that!

Learn how our mind works, what leads us astray,

why we make decisions that we later regret,

how to strengthen your willpower and achieve your goals.

in decision-making psychology.

Leaders make many important decisions

every day. Mistakes can be very costly.

Train your employees to make smarter

decisions leading your company

to success and high profits.


Training programme for leaders

Learn more

Decision Making Psychology

All you need to know about decision making.

Intercultural Coaching

Moving abroad is a big decision,

more and more common these days.

Living abroad is a big challenge.

Living far from home, in different culture.

Many managers have already been sent back

to their home country because they didn't respect

cultural differences. A coach can help you

Learn more

to leverage these differences.

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We make thousands of decisions every day! Have you ever been trained in decision making psychology?

We are bringing the best of the latest scientific research in Psychology, Neuropsychology, Positive Psychology and Behavioral Economics so that you can make smarter decisions and ultimately have more prospering lives and businesses. We are the Positive Storm causing change for the better.

Become the leader of your actions, not the follower of your reactions.


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